Door latches, any good source?

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Re: Door latches, any good source?

Post by majourlittle »

I love that everyone here has verbalized everything floating through my head!!! :lol:

I have one latch that is phenolic and one that is metal, the phenolic one is the one that broke which makes some sense since the plastic one has been obs and replaced.

I ordered the bird dog one off of ebay. for $35, it was worth the risk. same thought that they are very similar. in fact Texas salvage has a full assembly with what appears to be the bird dog latch installed....

I thought about buying one and playing the copy/paste game, but I hate playing that. Ill take the broke one, working one, and the bird dog one and come up with a model and have them printed.

Ill keep everyone advised.
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Re: Door latches, any good source?

Post by V529 »

Other than Preferred in Ohio and a salvage yard in Canada, I came up empty on the parts locator network. Used Phenolic from wherever you can find one should work.
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Re: Door latches, any good source?

Post by majourlittle »

I don't want to commit the cardinal sin of not reposting when I have the answer.

I purchased the birddog door latch as the cost-risk was low. I compared it to the original and it appeared to be a little beefier than the phenolic version. There was no dimension that appeared to be too large and all the features were where they needed to be.

I went forth with installing it and it appears to work perfectly for my door. The only issue is that I did not fully rebuild the door handle before reassembly so its still a little sloppy but the latch works perfectly.

I am not an A&P and not here to argue legalities. This is one of those parts that just so happened to appear. :lol:
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Re: Door latches, any good source?

Post by 6183 »

Well there we have it, when the good ole Cessna L-19/0-1 military veteran lends a hand to it’s older Cessna 140 brother. Thanks to Cessna engineers who designed these aircraft that enable exchange of like parts.

Thanks for posting your findings, it gives a good source of possible solutions.
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