engine mount spacer

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Name: Dave Sirota
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engine mount spacer

Post by 6843 »

Hi All,

I dissassembled my mounts today to replace the rubber and found that I am msising spacer # 1450195, #16 on attached. Its available from the usual sources at $150 - $180 each! Since I don't have one, I don't know but I'm betting its a simple steel tube. Does anyone have 4 you want to sell? If not, do you have 1 that I can fabricate copies from? Or, do you have one you can measure ID, OD, and length?

Thanks for your help!

C140-pg 72.jpg
C140-pg 72.jpg (347.25 KiB) Viewed 845 times
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Dave Sirota
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Re: engine mount spacer

Post by 8425 »

My bushings appear to be 7/16 x .028 x 1 31/32

John Groeneveld
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Re: engine mount spacer

Post by 6898 »

Couple thoughts I know on those. First is, there hard to find originals that are usable. They usually get over tightened and roll the ends back. I was told that the rubber mounts I.D. is smaller now so eliminates the tube? The tube was there so when you torque the mounting bolts they have a stop point? I have no steel sleeve tubes and tighten to a point of rubber bulging slightly. Another thought is the large AN washers are to thin and the bottom ones cave in and the tops seem to pull forward we have since used thicker spec. washers. The rubber mounts seem to crack at the outside edges after a year or so anyway? Probably why they went to the "Flat" style Lord mounts? last thing I have tried to install those thin tubes with lube in the case with the rubber and no way it worked for us? Good luck I live by the parts book most of the time too. JEFF
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Re: engine mount spacer

Post by 6643 »

Here are two older threads on that spacer:
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