firewall corrosion

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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:59 am
Name: Vince
Location: Louisiana
Aircraft Type: 1946 C-140
Occupation-Interests: Retired.

firewall corrosion

Post by vinceo »

Hello all,
My 1946 has a fiber glass looking insulation on the inside firewall that is falling away.
Looks like Cessna used some sort of glue to hold it on. There is residue of that glue
and some corrosion that was hidden by the fiberglass. I can pull the remainder of the
insulation off but how to remove that glue and treat that corrosion before it advances.
This is the second 140 with this problem that I have seen.

Any suggestions. I searched the forum but did not see any specific cure addressed.
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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Mike Smith
Location: Florida
Aircraft Type: 140A (2) 1949 & 1950
Occupation-Interests: Retired aerial power line patrol pilot for Gulf Power Co. CFIA, CFII, MEI
120-140 Assoc. Florida Rep. N9633A & N9688A

Re: firewall corrosion

Post by 6183 »

You will certainly have a job ahead of you. No doubt throughout the airplane's life it more than likely spent some time outside in wet conditions, and that firewall insulation has held moisture causing the offending corrosion to develop. I would recommend that you do remove the firewall blanket material, and the glue to get at the corrosion affected areas. You might experiment with using some Citristrip Paint Remover available at big box stores (it's biodegradable and can be removed with water) to soften the glue in order to remove the residue with a plastic scraper. In order to remove the corrosion try using a small side angle die grinder fitted with a 3M Roloc attachment in order to use Roloc 3M Scotch Brite pads then followed by a good cleaning with some paint thinner. Finally, use some rattle can wash primer to spray the areas where you removed the corrosion. It will be a lot of tedious work, but it far outweighs removing the engine and then the firewall from the airframe to accomplish the job. On another note that insulating blanket helps keep out heat from the engine. Without it you might experience some warmer flights. Keep us posted
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