I know several people on the site have gotten field approvals for the 8.50x6 tire installation. I am going through the process now and am wondering if someone would be kind enough to either send me or tell me what was used for "approved data" for their approval. I have seen the 337 posted back in 2018 but did not see the approved data that must have accompanied it when submitted. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
8.50 tire installation
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Re: 8.50 tire installation
Fully recognizing that this is not the question you asked, have you considered the 800 tires? They are a vast improvement, over stock and at least with my C 85, I can’t imagine flying in anywhere that I needed any bigger tire. The 800 tires are fantastic for everything from a good grass strip to a semi flat, mowed lawn, even a reasonably groomed bean field. Anything more hard-core than that I would be questioning whether I have the right plane for the job. Your mileage may vary but from a price standpoint there was a significant savings doing 800’s as well.