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You must be a member of the Cessna 120-140 Association in order to post new topics, reply to existing topics, or search for information on this forum. Use the "Join" link in the red menu bar.
- Posts: 600
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Mac Forbes
- Location: North Carolina
- Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
- Occupation-Interests: Retired - Current 120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.
- Contact:
...just heard from Mike Smith (one of our long time Forum Moderators here). As many know, Mike and Dianna live in Panama City, Florida and that area was truly pounded by the recent "sudden", record-breaking hurricane. Still with no power, nor cell service (or internet), they're making do with generators while making repairs and trying to get back to some semblance of "normal". Their home suffered...trees down also, and their vehicles are badly damaged. Fellow 120/140'ers Reddoch Williams and Clay McCutchan are helping out and, as we'd all expect, Mike has lots of friends...'though many are in the same "boat" with their own recovery in progress. In any event, just an update to advise why we haven't seen a post from Mike recently and to just ask that all keep these great folks and special friends down there in thought and prayer. Mac
- Posts: 247
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Randy Thompson
- Location: California
- Aircraft Type: Cessna 140
- Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes and engines
- Contact:
Thanks Mac. I have been concerned about Mike.
Randy Thompson A&P IA Pilot
Hold STC SA547EA for installation of O-200 engine in Cessna 120/140 and 140A"s
Overhaul small Continentals
Hold STC SA547EA for installation of O-200 engine in Cessna 120/140 and 140A"s
Overhaul small Continentals
- 6898
- Posts: 335
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Jeff T
- Location: IS65 Sandwich IL.
- Aircraft Type: 48 140 C90
- Occupation-Interests: Auto,Marine&Aviation Repair
- Contact:
Thanks for update Mac. The 140 brought us extended family from all over. We pray they all make the best of it and get back to as close to normal as possible. Jeff and Cindy
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
- Posts: 139
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: John Kliewer
- Location: EWK Newton, KS
- Aircraft Type:
- Occupation-Interests: Corporate PIlot - retired
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Thank you Mac for letting us know. It's impossible to know exactly what they are going through. The closest we came to that was an ice storm which damaged all our trees and left us with out power for 5 days in temps under 10 degrees F, but that was obviously nothing compared to what folks on the Gulf coast are going through just now. Prayers for all of them.
John Kliewer
"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein
"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein
"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
- Posts: 608
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Victor G
- Location: Michigan
- Aircraft Type: C-120
- Occupation-Interests: Work on airplanes till the cows come home..........they're still out.
- Contact:
Thanks for posting Mac! I've been on the road and just saw this. Looked like the panhandle got really walloped.
- Posts: 600
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Mac Forbes
- Location: North Carolina
- Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
- Occupation-Interests: Retired - Current 120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.
- Contact:
...another quick update: With power now restored, Mike and Dianna are getting back to "OK". The immediate area is still under a curfew (...imagine a 24-hour Wally World closing daily at 4:00 PM to help keep riff-raff off the streets!). The only available communication thus far is at a nearby hot spot where Mike can see limited email and get temporary/occasional cell service. A spark of good news among the challenges of their home and auto damages is that the 140A survived with absolutely no damage. As mentioned above, fellow members Reddoch Williams and Clay McCutchen have been very helpful to the Smiths...Reddoch provided generator power along with plenty of avgas to keep'er running. No doubt we all agree that there are few things in this old world more important than genuine, caring friends. Mike is aware of all of your well wishes and sends his thanks, along with assurance that they're making meaningful progress and will be back "soon". Mac