Garmin Aera 660 anyone?

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Garmin Aera 660 anyone?

Post by 8056 »

Anyone using a Garmin Aera 660? I'm leaning pretty hard in this direction. It looks compact enough to fit nicely with a custom mount on my panel, just above my transponder on the lower left in the original radio cut out. If anyone has experience or reviews they would like to share it would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Garmin Aera 660 anyone?

Post by V529 »

I purchased the Garmin AERA 610(cheapest unit with WX) shortly after they came out.........2010? ish..........? I love the unit in all aspects but one. It's dim. As in difficult to see in bright sunlight. If you consider one of their units take it outside in bright light and see if you can still see it. (make any sense?) Mine when it's on "10" brightness needs about another 6 to be added. I even sent it in to Garmin. It's replacement was no better. Other than that it's a great unit.
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Re: Garmin Aera 660 anyone?

Post by 6898 »

Chris, We have had a 560 since it was new its the 1st gen. of the 6 series. Best thing ever, we also have it linked up to the 430 and have a GDL39 with it so WX and music is great. Also when on a trip now you have a gps for the car ours has a marine use app. too. Modern tech. who would have thought this was coming? Victor is so right when the sun is on it its a little tough to see. Also pricing has come down since that tech. was introduced i paid more for my 560. Have fun see you at Branson Convention? Jeff
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Re: Garmin Aera 660 anyone?

Post by 6356 »

I have a 660 paired up with the GDL-50 and love it...
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