Repairing door cracks

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Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:31 pm
Name: Joshua G
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Re: Repairing door cracks

Post by 8340 »

Slowly chipping away at this door in between re-skinning a horizontal and installing an ELT in other planes.



I need to add another doubler on the top right by the door jamb/window area on top. I am not satisfied with the single doubler under the inside skin.

I am following the instructions from the 100 Series Cessna Manual in a flush patch repair.

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Name: Joshua G
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Re: Repairing door cracks

Post by 8340 »

Well, that took a while. Got this project done a week or two ago. Been flying again. I didn't dig as deep into the passenger door but I am pretty sure it has some cracks too. Next time.

Here's the final product.


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Name: Victor G
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Re: Repairing door cracks

Post by V529 »

Good Job! Thank you for posting, all the pictures an added bonus.
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