Child Seat Blueprint

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Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 8261 »

Good morning,

A prospective buyer is interested in installing a child seat in my ‘46 120.

I vaguely recall there being some blueprints for this?...does anybody have them or 337 or pictures?

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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 6643 »

I have scans of the drawings (I think all of them) and some photos of a seat someone sent me about 15 years ago. I was contemplating making up the parts as a kit, but never got a round tuit. Some of the photos are a little blurry, but there's enough to get the job done. If no one else chimes in, I can send you what I have. It's about 6 MB.

No 337 required; it's already approved by the aircraft Specification. (Item 402: Jump seat installation.)
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 8261 »

Thanks John, that is great news. I would appreciate any scans you have!

Personal email is cbcruiser forty at gmail dot com for larger files.

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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 6643 »

Message sent. I edited your email address so the "bots" won't find it.
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 8292 »

I just picked up a child seat that was removed from another 140A. Unfortunately there isn’t any paperwork that came with them, and I’m having a hard time locating anything to help with installing it. Referencing your message above, could I get those photos you have?



jeslater ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 6643 »

Sure. Check your email (in 5 minutes...)
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by V529 »

If you would like to see one "installed", one of our new members, also here in Michigan, has one in his aircraft. Perhaps we can persuade him to post a picture. I'll text him.
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 8322 »

Yes Shirley (my birds name) has one! It’s out at the second but it’s literally a bunch of sheet metal screws that takes it in and out. But whatever pics or measurements you need let me know!

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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 8235 »

Could someone please send this information to me as well?

nbyers at hotmail dot com
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Re: Child Seat Blueprint

Post by 6643 »

you've got mail.
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