Calling on Australian Association Members 120/140 owners

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Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:27 pm
Name: Rick P
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Calling on Australian Association Members 120/140 owners

Post by 8278 »

I would like to find out how many 120/ 140 Association Members located in Australia would be interested in getting together for the purpose of some fly-ins and maybe some spare part exchanges. If you wish to contact me and talk about this please send me an email to
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Location: Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield
Name: Michael Sheppard
Aircraft Type: 1948 Cessna 140
Occupation-Interests: Mechanical and Structural Designer.

Re: Calling on Australian Association Members 120/140 owners

Post by 7133 »

Hello Rick
I am assuming it is Rick from your email address. Where abouts in Oz are you and what is your rego?
Looking at my last Association Membership Directory we had 9 members in Australia.
I am in Southern Queensland and Keith Newnham is just across the border in NSW we both are fairly active and get along to the AAAA fly ins as does Greg Beel from Victoria.
Michael Sheppard
1948 Cessna 140 VH-TMO
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Name: Rick P
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Re: Calling on Australian Association Members 120/140 owners

Post by 8278 »

Hi Michael. Im located in Central Queensland near Thangool.
We have a quite large local club up here but I'm the only one with a C140 1946 VHOFO.
I will be attending Ausfly at Narromine in October this year so maybe if you and some or the others are attending it we can catch up.
Thanks for your reply.
Rick Parks
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Re: Calling on Australian Association Members 120/140 owners

Post by 7401 »

Hi Rick, sent you an email.

Our 140, YBY (aka "Yabby"), is located at Tyabb south east of Melbourne. Ben and Greg Beel's 120, NNW is at Tyabb also.

I don't get to as many Antiquer's events as I'd like but I'd be up for a 120/140 gathering.

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