End of an Era

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End of an Era

Post by V529 »

Some things in Aviation are just Staples...Things, places, and people we just assume will "always be".

.....Wright Brothers, Red Baron, the "Jenny", Lindberg, Doolittle, Flying Tigers, the "Zero", SR71, the EAA/Oshkosh, Paris Air show, ................Trade a Plane

But as I look at the cover of my most recent TAP magazine and then start reading on page 102 of "The yellow Aviation magazine" I note that it will be the penultimate issue of something I guess I thought would "always be".

Alas, the era of written Newspapers and now sales print magazines is slowly closing. At the end of this year, TAP in print form will be no more. They are going "digital".

The hours we have all scoured those yellow pages, searching for the latest deal, much needed and sought after parts, services to repair mags, turbochargers and rebuild those old "glow in the dark" instruments will shortly become a memory. We're all going to have to buy a computer........

I'm sure everyone has a favorite TAP story, mine is locating 120/140 parts when ours got smashed in a wind storm, and then the long drive cross country with a truck and trailer to "score" the needed parts.

No doubt you have your favorite memory.

Starting in 2020, you will no longer be able to open those familiar yellow pages.......

Save the last TAP issue or two, there won't be another...............
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 6643 »

Seems to be a trend. Several automotive magazines I used to read are going the same route. Combine that with the fact that many youngsters can't spell or use proper grammar and the fate of the written word is in jeopardy. [/soapbox]
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Re: End of an Era

Post by V529 »

I should ad, there is a very nice 4 page history of the magazine towards the back.
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 6183 »

Same with some major newspapers around the country that you don't see printed anymore. Online only now.
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 6898 »

Yes I agree it’s hard to drop the past like it’s nothing. As I’m typing this on my phone no paper no pen. I miss looking at a VFR chart seeing 200 miles away and where all the airports are as opposed to looking at a 5” screen trying to pan out to see where they are .TAP would show up and that would be a hour of looking and sometimes finding things that I would have never seen. A lot has changed and seems more is heading our way all the time . Keep up or get lost seems the new normal? I’m trying but it’s a pretty fast pace . I’ll miss TAP and many others like it .
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 5806 »

I first saw a Trade-A-Plane in the early 70's. I would search the ads looking to see how much money I needed to accumulate to buy my first airplane. I was about 14. It was the bible for the used airplane market and locating services and parts. I have tracked prices on different aircraft types (120/140's included) to graph out trends and values using TAP. I had subscriptions a few times other than that it was picking one up at a local FBO. I found them a way to dream of what I would own or purchase for an existing airplane.

As with many publications gone digital, the word in hand will be missed.
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Re: End of an Era

Post by Rob Swanland »

It seems that John and I were doing the same thing back in the 70’s. TAP was the starting point for three aircraft ownership adventures for me over the years… each one an exciting journey. As much as I appreciate the benefits of the digital world nothing will replace the enjoyment of holding a magazine, a newspaper, or a book which – all too often these days – ends up collapsed on my chest as my sleeping companion. No doubt for years to come I will run across old and faded issues of that friendly yellow tabloid and I will enjoy seeing what airplanes were selling for back in the “good old days”. What’s next… a replacement for vacuum tubes? Electric cars? Take me back 40 years please.
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 8424 »

Rob: "Take me back 40 years please."


Steve H
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 6643 »

8424 wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2019 8:09 am Rob: "Take me back 40 years please."
No, it's "Sherman, set the way-back machine for..."
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Re: End of an Era

Post by 8322 »

Man, what else could be that fun to look at while sipping crappy coffee out of a styrofoam cup at the terminal at Podunk Regional Airport while stretching the legs a bit on a cross country?
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