Left Aileron Inboard Hinge Stub

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Left Aileron Inboard Hinge Stub

Post by pilotguy92 »

Hello All, I am new here and a first time aircraft owner and today found a crack in my aileron hinge on the left inboard side. looking for some options from either replacing it or doing a stop drill. just curious what others have done?
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Re: Left Aileron Inboard Hinge Stub

Post by 6643 »

Check out AD47-43-06 and SLN-46, even if they don't specifically apply to your serial number. You can see from the crack that the part is being pulled apart. Stop drilling the crack won't stop that trend. Replacement is the approved repair.
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Re: Left Aileron Inboard Hinge Stub

Post by pilotguy92 »

OK thanks now comes the challenge of finding the part.
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