Cleavland wheels on original axel

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Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 8224 »

I am restoring a 1947 C-140 and have purchased a new set of Cleavland wheels and brakes. I tried to mount the brakes today but the fitting that holds the caliper assembly holds the assembly 5/16” away from the rotor. The fitting is mounted between the gear leg and the aluminum axel. What am I missing? The axel nut screws on to where there will be no problem getting a cotter pin installed. Will I need a different axel?
Steve Hawley, Bull Swamp, SC.
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 6597 »

Try turning the torque plates around?
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 6930 »

I may not understand your issue so my suggestion may be worth about as much as what you paid for it, but have you tried to actuate the brakes after assembly? I found that there is a gap between the pad and rotor that takes up once you apply the brakes. I just went through this a couple of weeks ago after changing a flat tire.

That may not be your issue but thought I would throw it out there :D

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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 8224 »

The picture David placed on the request made all the difference and the plane is now on its gear, the first time in over 40 years! Yesterday I completely disassembled the control column, removed all 72 year old hard grease and dirt, oiled, painted, and reassembled it. Sure glad I took several e pictures before I took it apart! This plane had been converted to tricycle gear back in the 60s and then used hard and put to bed wet. I am returning it to the way it should be. It will never be a show plane but it will be a very solid clean airplane. This is number 23 of the planes I have restored. My last one was a Bucker Jungman.
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 8474 »

A 140 converted to tricycle gear? Say it ain't so, sacrilege! :D

I don't suppose you have any pictures in that configuration?
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 6643 »

Met-Co-Aire had (has, if you're interested) an STC. I've seen one. They're fugly! Sort of like a metal Tri-Pacer.
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 8474 »

I believe you John, I bet it is ugly. I would only be interested to make fun of it :lol:
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 8224 »

I don’t have any pictures of the plane when it was nose wheel equipped but it had already been converted back to a tail wheel when I bought the project. The plane was flipped on its back in the 80s and the landing gear box was tweaked on both sides so I rebuilt the whole section. An interesting thing I discovered, the conversion used a 150 engine mount, only four attach points at the fusalage so I had to buy a 140 mount. I replaced the belly skin under the cabin, there were 14 jillion rivet holes in it!
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 6298 »

Here is a picture on one I had that was a nosewheel airplane years ago.
Olea.jpg (412.12 KiB) Viewed 4215 times
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Re: Cleavland wheels on original axel

Post by 6298 »

Here is picture from a few years ago. The balloon is not attached.
10300706_767305359967865_664613628475754964_n[1].jpg (48.76 KiB) Viewed 4213 times
Randy Thompson A&P IA Pilot
Hold STC SA547EA for installation of O-200 engine in Cessna 120/140 and 140A"s
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