Stopping (cold!) airflow around the wing root vents.

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Name: John P
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Stopping (cold!) airflow around the wing root vents.

Post by 7313 »

Our project plane, N72851, has been flying now for about a month. In order to get it in the air sooner we have not done much work on the interior yet (we have the kit, just not the time!) Mother Nature is putting a priority on sealing up some of the "air conditioning". What have others done to seal make a more airtight seal around the air vents up in the wing root areas? The sliding vents themselves are OK, and I have taped over the outside vent openings, but there is a whole lot of air coming in around the vent pipes themselves. I'm wondering what others have done to try and seal this area up. I'm thinking of some kind of tight fitting "plugs" to surround the vent pipes, or stuffing the area with some type of insulation or foam or the like. Thoughts?
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Name: James K
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Re: Stopping (cold!) airflow around the wing root vents.

Post by 8376 »

If you have taped the outside vent and still draft then my assumption is that the fairing or windscreen has air gaps. Maybe try removing the leading edge fairing and ensure you have felt behind and took a look at edge of the windscreen and ensure it is sealed (a good quality clear silicone will seal it nicely if its not).

Flying here in AK in the summer I have a long string of luffa stuffing inside the vent to reduce airflow and in the winter I tape over the outside vent. The 140 cabin always seems drafty no matter what you do. Flying today with 12F and the right clothing it is completely manageable.

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Re: Stopping (cold!) airflow around the wing root vents.

Post by 6597 »

I had a wide piece of clear prop tape I used behind the wing root fairing, seemed to help...
wingroottape.jpg (200.58 KiB) Viewed 2133 times
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Name: John P
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Re: Stopping (cold!) airflow around the wing root vents.

Post by 7313 »

Just for follow-up. I used something similar to the last post to bridge the gap between wing and windshield. Not as wide as what you used so had to overlap it. Helped a lot but still too much leakage. So I cut some foam padding from an old seat to shape and stuffed it into the open space around the vent. Then the old aluminum piece would no longer fit so I cut them off and custom made some panels and covered them with vinyl material matching the interior. Cosmetically looks pretty good and cured the windstorm in the cabin!

One thing always leads to another. Now that the major source of cold air is tamed I can feel a lot of leakage around the windshield itself, especially across the top. Working on that next. I'm thinking some kind of clear tape.
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