Light Sport

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Name: Ray Hunter
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Occupation-Interests: Retired AF, retired B-17 pilot for Michigan Flight Museum

Light Sport

Post by 6277 »

I hear that the weight limit for LSA category is being changed, but might take a couple of years before it becomes effective. Anyone else hear anything? ... 209-1.html
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Name: Mac Forbes
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Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
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Re: Light Sport

Post by 2066 »

6277 wrote: Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:56 pm I hear that the weight limit for LSA category is being changed, but might take a couple of years before it becomes effective. Anyone else hear anything? ... 209-1.html
Thanks for posting! In reading some press on the subject, there seems to be emerging discussion since Jack Pelton's "announcement". It's interesting to see that an exec representing the light sport industry sees it as very positive, while some few may see bringing 150s (and, 120s/140s and other legacy aircraft) "up" to light sport status as unwelcomed competition. I believe that most would agree that the more folks flying, the better. It appears that the final rule is still a couple of years off and the weight limit is likely to be determined by a "formula"(?) -- I'd expect any "government provided formula" to present some continuing challenge to across-the-board light sport qualification, but any relaxation of the ridiculous current rules will be welcomed! It'll be interesting to watch this unfold, and very important that we all submit comments whenever opportunities present. Mac
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Name: Ramp Rat
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Re: Light Sport

Post by 5099 »

Like some aircraft builders, Cessna thought that the new LSA rules was a Golden Opportunity to rape the golden goose. However, it never made sense to me to buy a $100K aircraft to replace my $25K Cessna that was only 50 pounds over the LSA rules. So, as it turns out, Cessna stops production of the C-162 because of lack of sales.
Yes, I agree that "common sense" should prevail but, remember, we are talking about Government. ;)
JMHO, steve
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