Single to dual brake pedals

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Re: Single to dual brake pedals

Post by regular122 »

Would like to thank both John and Victor for their tips on installation. Victor was right on flexibility. Felt like a contortionist. I do not think they could have designed a more unfriendly brake install or brake maintenance. I wonder if they waited to install the belly skin after the brake installation at the factory. Could not be a more unfriendly design.

I don't know how you guys that do annuals on these things get into these tiny spots. And John's tips on the tape on the finger were spot on. Nearly impossible to even get your hand under the flange between the inboard set of pedals. But that said, they are installed. Thanks for the tips. Steve

Cessna140DualBrakes1.jpg (438.35 KiB) Viewed 2333 times
Cessna140DualBrakes2.jpg (490.45 KiB) Viewed 2333 times
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Re: Single to dual brake pedals

Post by 8474 »

Congrats on the install, looks great. On advise from members both here and the 170 association, I removed the entire parking brake mechanism from the master cylinders on my airplane. Apparently there have been instances where those tiny little knives have slid over in flight and inadvertently had the parking brake on while can imagine the outcome.
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Re: Single to dual brake pedals

Post by phil123 »

Good job and nice pics on brake pedals, more then likely all the brake pedals and tubing were installed with the firewall off at production time. The parking brake on most small Cessna' s are junk and not to be trusted.
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Re: Single to dual brake pedals

Post by regular122 »

I've never used the parking brake on mine. Was told not to. But as far as I know it still works. Steve
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