Airspeed indicator for Cessna140 needed...

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Name: David G Hoffman
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Airspeed indicator for Cessna140 needed...

Post by 6238 »

I am looking for a good usable airspeed indicator (with appropriate speed ranges painted on face) for my 1946 Cessna 140. My plane's A.S. indicator is non-repairable according to RUDY AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS, and they are not willing to take existing face (with colored arcs) and install in a unit that they round up from parts, etc.. Totally intractable, non-cooperative, and greedy. They want $90.00 to paint the arcs on a new face! Does anyone have one for sale?

Cordially, David Hoffman N90025
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Re: Airspeed indicator for Cessna140 needed...

Post by 6643 »

They probably won't (can't legally) use the old dial because it has radon paint on it.

When I was a Mitchell dealer I could order instruments with custom markings on them. It was at no charge since the markings are required. Doesn't look like they have an airspeed indicator, though. Maybe you can find a vendor who does who would be willing to do it for you, though.
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Re: Airspeed indicator for Cessna140 needed...

Post by hotrodmac »

David, Have you had any luck finding a replacement? When I bought my plane it came with a new ASI in knots. I'd like to go back to MPH and am looking...

'46 C140
120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.
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