Data Plate

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Data Plate

Post by monceaviation »

My 1946 data plate is showing it's age, but it's still readable. From the factory it was installed on the left side of the glare shield and has seen a lot of sun. Does anyone know of any way to get it refurbished? I know getting a new one will take a lot, I've looked into that. Anything would be helpful. I'm restoring my 140 and don't want to put the old one back on if i can help it.
data plate 2.jpg
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Last edited by monceaviation on Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Data Plate

Post by 6277 »

Mine was on the lower left door post and I've seen others in the same location. Maybe yours was relocated to the dash by a previous owner?
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Re: Data Plate

Post by 6183 »

monceaviation wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:54 pm My 1946 data plate is showing it's age, but it's still readable. From the factory it was installed on the left side of the dash and has seen a lot of sun. Does anyone know of any way to get it refurbished? I know getting a new one will take a lot, I've looked into that. Anything would be helpful. I'm restoring my 140 and don't want to put the old one back on if i can help it.
Pertaining to the dash, do you mean the instrument panel or the glare shield between the instrument panel and windshield? I've seen some early 1946 models of both the 140 and 120 with the data plate located on the glare shield where you've mentioned yours is attached. On those early models the factory attached the plate to the glare shield, but on later models on the LH door post.

As for data plate refurbishment you might send Jeff Tourt, the association president an email or PM, he does a great job on control wheels, and he may know where or how to get the data plate restored.
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Re: Data Plate

Post by 6643 »

Mine was manufactured a few days before yours (sn 10503) and the dataplate is on the door post. Don't know if it was original, though. I know my instrument panel has been replaced with one from an early 150.
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Re: Data Plate

Post by 8342 »

I have serial number 11245 and the data plate is located (and is the original location) on the glare shield.

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Re: Data Plate

Post by V529 »

Early Aircraft up to about s/n 12,000 had the data plate located on the glare shield. After that relocated to the door post.

If you provide Cessna with the MAA number at the bottom of the data plate they can sell you a new one.

For anyone on this thread, your "MAA" number is the most important number of your data plate. Write the number down and include it in your log books or permanent records. IF........ you lose your data plate, Cessna cannot issue a replacement without this number. S/N and N number will not help them as they didn't manufacture sequentially. They need this MAA number
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