140 Cross Country Adventure-Seeking Advice

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140 Cross Country Adventure-Seeking Advice

Post by emoryriver »

Long story short...I'm a low time PPL who has invested in a 140 and spent the past two years getting it overhauled. Re-covered wings, O-200, dual AV-30s with TailbeaconX, and more. Looking for a CFI who is interested in a cross country adventure with me from TN to WY. I'll pay your time and bring a tent. Advice appreciated.
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Re: 140 Cross Country Adventure-Seeking Advice

Post by 8434 »

Sounds like you have the makings of an adventure. My opinion on the matter would be to leave the CFI at home. If you are not current then do a short cross country and brush up on whatever needs work with a CFI before your grand adventure. Why? Well, your CFI will have all the answers, no need to wonder into a flight school and ask about parking or camping or winds through a nasty pass. That's a missed opportunity to experience the awesome aviation community. Just keep your CFI on speed dial.

Just an opinion.
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Re: 140 Cross Country Adventure-Seeking Advice

Post by 8342 »

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