Looking for Any Relatives of Edward W Schuhardt

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
Name: Chris B
Location: Missouri
Aircraft Type: 1946 C140

Looking for Any Relatives of Edward W Schuhardt

Post by 7757 »

When I bought my Cessna 140 over ten years ago, it came with a couple of boxes full of old maintenance receipts and old Association newsletters. The boxes also contained a Pilot Logbook of one of the plane's previous owners.

The plane is a 1946, Tail N90155, S/N 9220. The pilot/owner is Edward W Schuhardt. He passed away on 20 December 1996, in Port Arthur, TX. I have his logbook that covers March 1954 - January 1958. He flew out of what is now Jack Brooks Regional Airport in Nederland, TX, but his logbook refers to it as Jefferson County Airport.

(The only other piece of information I have that might be useful is that his sister's name is Rosalie, and her married name might begin with a "C.")

The logbook has been sitting in my home office for all these yeas, and I figure it is well past time that it be returned to his family.

I know it's a bit of a long shot, but if anyone has any ideas of how to find his family, let me know. Thanks.

-- Chris B
Chris B.
1946 C140
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