2021 Convention

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Name: Mac Forbes
Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
Occupation-Interests: Retired - Current 120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.

Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 2066 »

klyde sessna wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:08 pm Sun N Fun 2021 is advertising no flights in or out unless your aircraft is ADS-B exempt. ADAPT waivers are encouraged.

With thousands of airports to choose from, maybe this Association needs to look elsewhere?
"All" that's needed is a Volunteer host. Count on it taking a year (at the very least) of full time WORK out of your life to measure up to what's expected by membership attending. Those "thousands of airports" sift down quickly to very few who will agree to the inconvenience and liability concerns (...did I mention "liability" concerns?). From there, potentially count on many meetings and "negotiations" with local airport boards and/or private field owners...ATC coordination, depending on location...plus, you'll likely need to amass a group of local volunteers (EAA chapter?) to form a working(!) committee for the months leading up...and, during. Choosing uniquely interesting fly-out destinations who can/will host the group (...did I mention "liability concerns"?) and arranging for parking, tours and meals for each while there, as well as other local entertainment(s) for those who may not engage in fly-outs must be considered and arranged. Too, negotiating comfortable hotel space, agreements for "holding rooms" as well as preferred pricing, plus back-up hotel space requires a lot of "correspondence". Depending on hotel/host airport proximity, transportation to/from may need to be planned. Early on it's imperative to reach agreement with the airport for us to do our "flying games" --- many may express...again, "liability concerns". "Maintenance forums" facilities @ airport plus on-field food for the week must be considered. For the months leading up you'll need to be in regular contact with local, national (world?) aviation-related businesses to donate products for "attendance prizes" -- also count on "making the rounds" at SNF and AirVenture commercial exhibitors to "beg", certainly ("prizes" must be received, inventoried, labeled, stored & displayed/awarded). All meals must be pre-arranged, especially @ hotels and the "first timers breakfast" event and the final night banquet (...guest speaker/s?) requires planning and and a LOT of leg work, too. There are many, many other "details" that must be attended to, plus you can absolutely count on some of the best laid plans meeting "sudden" challenges -- you'll want to be available 24/7 to field and handle those in the months/weeks leading up and, certainly, during. The volunteer "management" of the Association is always available to help with thoughts, ideas and questions...but they have full time jobs and lives, too, so it's always the volunteer host who shoulders the lion's share of the tremendous responsibility for a "successful" convention. Of course, now, the current pandemic may add just a bit of complexity?...just what the harried host needed :shock: . Taking a read through Christian's and Heidi's already incredible, exciting "plans in place" for the Peachtree City event plus just talking to those who attended @ Falcon Field last time tends to make one consider "whatever it takes" to be there. And, while it would be interesting to know just how many of us have not opted for ADS-B out at this point, there are many who have...and, as mentioned above, there may be options for non-ADS-B'ers to "get in"(?). In any "event", you can be sure that the Association officers are super receptive in considering a convention host & location for next year(?). :D . Mac
klyde sessna
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by klyde sessna »

Thanks for the detailed explanation, Mac. And THANK YOU and your associates for your hard work and dedication. No question that's a tremendous amount of work. Things can get complicated in a hurry. Oh, for the good old days of spontaneous get togethers. (Which I'm sure even then someone worked hard at). Yep, some of us don't have ADS-B. Some on principle, and some because we are just barely managing to afford to keep our birds in the air. No shame there. Who's expectations are we trying to uphold? We're not the American Bonanza Society. (Sorry, ABS.) We're the Cessna 120/140 Association because the majority of us can't afford pricy planes and equipment. We thrive on keeping it simple. Besides, we still have to pay the Government's mandatory taxes and fees just to maintain our right to fly and attend fly-ins.
Last edited by klyde sessna on Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Name: Mac Forbes
Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
Occupation-Interests: Retired - Current 120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.

Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 2066 »

Great thoughts, klyde, but please know that I personally deserve zero thanks. I've ridden (flown) on the coattails of a lot of people who have (and, continue to!) put so much more into this 120-140 family than they could ever take out and, certainly, much more than I ever have. Conventions over the years have actually varied quite a bit from "super busy/fun activities" to "grass roots visiting and enjoying being with each other around the airport". We've attended quite a few and never lifted off for home without thinking "this had to be one of the best!". These nifty planes get us there, but it's the great & special friendships that keep us coming. Pleasing all of the people, all of the time may not be practical and possible, but this little organization probably comes closer than most. That we certainly can and should learn from other clubs and adjust to the input of fellow members is important as hardware evolves, membership changes and the inevitable challenges appear, accelerate, and morph. A final note (and, confession): As Association "state reps", we're charged with a suggestion that we consider promoting and hosting "local" gettogethers when/if possible -- I haven't done a very good job of that in my own area in recent years. And, while this past year probably merits a "mulligan", it's something that I hope to "revive" in coming months/years. In any event, please know that your suggestions are important and well taken, my friend! Mac
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by V529 »

2066 wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:50 pm Great thoughts, klyde, but please know that I personally deserve zero thanks. I've ridden (flown) on the coattails of a lot of people who have (and, continue to!) put so much more into this 120-140 family than they could ever take out and, certainly, much more than I ever have. Conventions over the years have actually varied quite a bit from "super busy/fun activities" to "grass roots visiting and enjoying being with each other around the airport". We've attended quite a few and never lifted off for home without thinking "this had to be one of the best!". These nifty planes get us there, but it's the great & special friendships that keep us coming. Pleasing all of the people, all of the time may not be practical and possible, but this little organization probably comes closer than most. That we certainly can and should learn from other clubs and adjust to the input of fellow members is important as hardware evolves, membership changes and the inevitable challenges appear, accelerate, and morph. A final note (and, confession): As Association "state reps", we're charged with a suggestion that we consider promoting and hosting "local" gettogethers when/if possible -- I haven't done a very good job of that in my own area in recent years. And, while this past year probably merits a "mulligan", it's something that I hope to "revive" in coming months/years. In any event, please know that your suggestions are important and well taken, my friend! Mac
Several decades ago I had thoughts in my head such as "those guys" or "The association should do this or that", or "The association should hold conventions closer to me so I don't have to travel so far"..............then after years of attending conventions, getting to know the very fine, fine people that "are" the International Cessna 120/ 140 Association I came to the realization that "anyone" can be the Association and together "we" can do great things. After observing the fine leadership of some of our prior Associations officers such as Mac and Donna Forbes I jumped in with both feet and Hosted the 2007 convention in Michigan. Certainly we were blessed with exemplary weather but a year long effort (such as Mac so aptly described above) led to a stellar turn out of around 80 airplanes and almost double that in attendees. It was a grand time and well worth the effort. If I ever retire I'll do it again, it was alot of work but man......was it worth it!

My hats off to Christian Vehrs for hosting this years event, he did it about 10 years ago at the same airport and it was a great time. Looking forward to it!
klyde sessna
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by klyde sessna »

Just for kicks, why not poll our members to get a rough idea how many are ADS-B equipped? I'm not.
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Name: Mac Forbes
Aircraft Type: '46 Cessna 140
Occupation-Interests: Retired - Current 120-140 Assoc. NC Rep.

Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 2066 »

klyde sessna wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:25 pm Just for kicks, why not poll our members to get a rough idea how many are ADS-B equipped? I'm not.
I am. Mac
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 6339 »

2066 wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:28 pm
klyde sessna wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:25 pm Just for kicks, why not poll our members to get a rough idea how many are ADS-B equipped? I'm not.
I am. Mac
Me too (I’m under the Tampa Class B ring)
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by VIP620 »

i'm not, non-electric 120
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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 8424 »

C140A, no ADS-B or transponder.

Please do not misinterpret my previous post. I have no problem with the location of the convention, I just can't fly in to it. There will be one somewhere down the road that I will be able to attend with the plane.

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Re: 2021 Convention

Post by 6863 »

Negative ADS-B. Negative RVSM. Negative HF. Negative RNP. Negative MNPS. ;)
John Kliewer

"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein

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