EAA Magazine

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EAA Magazine

Post by 6298 »

I received my EAA Sport Aviation magazine, and there is a Beauty on the front cover. One of a Kind.
Randy Thompson A&P IA Pilot
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Re: EAA Magazine

Post by 4004 »

Is that one or two - plane or plane and pilot? :)

Sorry, Lorraine, the "devil" made me do it!
Happy Easter, all

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Re: EAA Magazine

Post by 6183 »

6298 wrote: Sat Apr 16, 2022 10:31 am I received my EAA Sport Aviation magazine, and there is a Beauty on the front cover. One of a Kind.
I do believe we’ve both seen that beautiful machine somewhere in the south!
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Re: EAA Magazine

Post by 2066 »

The official definition of "Accomplished" should include a photo of Ken and Lorraine! While Numero Uno shows vividly their skilled, experienced and detailed(!) workmanship, the significant number of incredible quality restorations (and, builds) that they have produced over the years demonstrate perfection, and amazing stick-to-itiveness. As super busy as they both always are, they have found time, too, to share valuable experience, expertise, products, thoughts and ideas with others who are working through related repairs and restorations. That the 120-140 "family" is blessed with a lot of talented, caring, and sharing folks is fact -- that Ken and Lorraine would be prominent on that "list" is obvious. (Incidentally, there's a neat audio interview with Ken available online @ EAA. You'll appreciate his opinion of the "best" airplane :) ) Mac
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Re: EAA Magazine

Post by 6898 »

Just got ours in the mail! Very nice and so deserving. Amazing how many projects ,aircraft, campers ,autos , and lots more they have completed a true TEAM in restoration. I have a thought that once something is salvaged or restored it will be cared for and last many years. Just think 100 years from now Uno could be displayed in the Smithsonian as the best single engine 2 passenger aircraft ever built! Its got my vote. Ken and Lorraine are fun creative people thank you for your efforts and contribution to 120 140 and 140A world and Assoc. Thanks to CHARLIE for not being a Short wing Cub . Thinking that was the one Ken has a special love for. JEFF
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Re: EAA Magazine

Post by V529 »

Ditto on all the above. "UNO" looked great at Atlanta last year. Morris's performed a top shelf Resto on that bird!
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