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Aileron tee bar pulley spacer set up.
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- Name: Mike Monce
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Aileron tee bar pulley spacer set up.
I got a 46 140 already taken apart already.( not by me) figuring out how to putting it together slowly (I'm an IA but the 1946 IPC and MM are testing me) Been looking through the IPC and cant find what is missing. Is there a Spacer in the pulleys on the Tee bar (and yes bearing in the pully installed) there is almost a 1/4 inch. What Is missing. any help ????? a pic of one together? would be awesome
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- Name: David Sbur
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Re: Aileron tee bar pulley spacer set up.
Some ancient pics prior to cleaning things up.....in the hopes it helps you out-
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Re: Aileron tee bar pulley spacer set up.
I believe the space is taken up with AN washers. Equally spaced.
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- Name: John C
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Re: Aileron tee bar pulley spacer set up.
At the risk of stating the obvious, the parts catalog calls for two washers, two pulleys, the guard, a bushing, an AN4-33A bolt and AN365-428 stop nut
John Cooper