Is the 1948 C-140 supposed to have that "lip" at the bottom openning of the engine cowling sticking out for about 1/2 inch in the airflow as I have seen on many 120/140s ?
Mine does not, but has an extension instead narrowing the cowl bottom opening plus rounded lips on the bottom of the firewall, a la homebuilt, each side of the gascolator (approx 5 inch diam. bend).
My AME would like to see a more standard layout to make sure we keep those new cylinders of mine properly cooled. The previous owner seems to have made some temperature measurements and they seem to work (have some graphs in my paperwork), but they are definitely not original looking !

My C-85-12F has the C-150 exhaust STC. You can see a little bit what I mean on the attached picture.
MichelC (ex-caretaker of C-GNCJ)