Glass panel
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Glass panel
I am restoring a 1946 cessna 140. The dash panel has been pretty much chopped up over the years and some of the gauges are in tough shape. I will have to replace it with a new one. My question is, I am wondering if I can install a glass panel and get rid of the steam gauges? I know it’s an investment, but I could do some different things with the panel should I decide to go that route.
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- Name: Andreas Ritter
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Re: Glass panel
Many of the new glas instruments, e. g. the Garmin Gi-275, can probably be installed, because the AML includes the 120/140. The electrical load may be an issue, if too many powerful electronic instruments are installed. And panel space, of course.
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Re: Glass panel
Absolutely you can. You'll need the standard 337 forms and whatnot, but it is doable. Are you a member of the 120/140 Facebook groups? There are a few well documented Instrument Panel seaps on there. One member recently put in a 150 panel thT hS significant updates. Mine is butchered as well. I did not go to glass, but I had to pull the panel out and completely redo/repair it and put it back in. Some of the rivets are tough, but its absolutely possible.
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Re: Glass panel
For those using the original panel's 3.125" holes, keep in mind that some of them near the top may not allow for the depth of a unit like the GI275. I ended up using the G5 for its shallow depth as an example.
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- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: John C
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- Aircraft Type: 1946 C140/C90
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Re: Glass panel
Just keep in mind that the panel that runs between the door posts is structural, so, if you start cutting into it you'll have some 'splainin' to do.
John Cooper