C-150 Exhaust

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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:08 pm
Name: Mark Uhlman
Location: Perry, Oklahoma
Aircraft Type: 1947 C120
Occupation-Interests: Chief Flight Instructor/DPE

C-150 Exhaust

Post by 8360 »

Thanks for replies to previous questions! Here's another: does the C-150/O-200 exhaust bolt right up on the C-85? If so, is the norm to go with the 150 exhaust system up to but not including tailpipe(s) and then affix/weld on tailpipes to fit 120 cowl openings? If so, are these pre-fab tailpipes available? Thanks again, much to learn!
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:08 pm
Name: Mark Uhlman
Location: Perry, Oklahoma
Aircraft Type: 1947 C120
Occupation-Interests: Chief Flight Instructor/DPE

Re: C-150 Exhaust

Post by 8360 »

Follow up: Education nearly complete. Conversion to C-150 exhaust wound up costing about $2,000 doing much work myself (including much parts scrounging), which requires friendly A&P. And no, it's not just a bolt-on job. Some fabricating and modifying required. The "kits" offered by the vendors are exhaust pieces only, and other braces, clamps, etc. are required by STC, some of which are pricey. And, of course, the work involves discovery of unrelated to-do's which inflate the down time (and buyers remorse). So, there's my education summary (on the exhaust project, at least).
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Re: C-150 Exhaust

Post by V529 »

An option is to contact all the salvage yards and buy used from a 120/140 that already had the conversion. That would get you all the correct pieces.
Many 120/140's have the conversion>

Some of the parts may require re-work, but you may be able to buy a full usable set and then as parts age replace them one at at time. That is how I got my set.
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Re: C-150 Exhaust

Post by 8193 »

Has anyone been able to do this mod without cutting new holes in cowl?
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:08 pm
Name: Mark Uhlman
Location: Perry, Oklahoma
Aircraft Type: 1947 C120
Occupation-Interests: Chief Flight Instructor/DPE

Re: C-150 Exhaust

Post by 8360 »

As I recall, the STC requires new holes in cowl as well as riveting doublers on to existing cowl to reshape/reposition the holes. Will probably require the services of someone with sheet metal experience. Not as bad as it sounds, and I found an A&P locally who considered it "easy." There are also a few C-150 parts you will need, and the STC goes in to some detail about which ones.
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