PTT Switch to Yoke?

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Name: Franklin B
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PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 4390 »

I'd like to remove my PTT buttons & coil wires, velcro'd to the yoke, and mount a button to the yoke. I've seen pics of buttons in the center and off to the side of the yoke but the wire appears to be run down the middle of the yoke tube. Other than drilling the tube I don't see another way to run the wire. Not sure I want to drill the tube. How have people installed these?
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Re: PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 8359 »

I looked into this and in the end decided to keep my velcro switches. It's a lot of work to maybe get it looking right and I didn't want to risk drilling my yokes and messing them up. I coiled mine around the yoke shaft and then back behind the panel, this keeps them from dangling all over the place. I also cut the cable and wired them directly to the radio.
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Re: PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 6277 »

Nice job!
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Re: PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 8383 »

I've recently run my PTT wires through the yoke/shaft. Not too difficult to do.
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Re: PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 4390 »

So, that's basically what I'm asking about, did you drill a hole down at the end of the yoke shaft by the U-joint to run the wire?
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Name: Jim B
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Re: PTT Switch to Yoke?

Post by 8383 »

There was already a hole in the shaft (on the lower side) a few inches from the hole to attach the U-joint so I used that. You'll need to thread the wires down through the shaft after you have fitted it through the phenolic ball in the panel but it's not difficult, took me a couple of hours to complete the whole thing.
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