Marvel Mixture Control Inside the Carburetor

A collection of technical articles & attached documents by Neal Wright
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Name: Neal Wright
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Marvel Mixture Control Inside the Carburetor

Post by 101 »

Originally Posted on Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:22 am

There was some confusion as to what happens inside the Marvel carburetor when one uses the mixture control and how the shutdown is achieved.

These figures illustrate the pieces of the mixture control assembly and how they work together.

If what I show is different than others have seen in the O-200 Marvels, let me know and I will incorporate the information.

I included a section from an Army Air Corp Tech Manual which states their explanation of how it works.

Adjustment of the cable to ensure full Off and full On can be tricky and often leads to blood letting when one's skin is pierced by the reluctant cable when adjusting. The pictures show how the stops are achieved and it is emphasized that the "throw" must be full for one to get shutdown on one end and full fuel on the other.

Figures showing the mixture control and explanations as to how it works.
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