Stromberg Mixture Control Advantages

A collection of technical articles & attached documents by Neal Wright
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Name: Neal Wright
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Stromberg Mixture Control Advantages

Post by 101 »

Originally Posted on Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:34 am

The aged hangar tale about the Stromberg mixture control being ineffective still keeps popping up but it was never true and has a greater impact today than it did when fuel was 20 cents a gallon.

The greatest benefit is the added power to get you high and cooler and having it workable is extremely important at high, hot airports. Going over mountains, something Cessna never did when making a sales pitch, would have changed the sales pitch.

There has been some controversy about the Marvel carb mixture control "doing more". No they both do the same thing at the same rate and give you the same advantages.

The article includes a suggestion of a simple modification which reduces the position sensitivity of the control.

How the mixture works, what makes it better, and putting hangar tales to rest.Re-enable the mixture and use it.
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