hollow aluminum axles

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Re: hollow aluminum axles

Post by 8322 »

JUST FYI... I just spoke with Grove and if you call direct they said they have some 5016-2 the ones with 4 - 1/4 holes in stock... I have heard those are hard to get. They are not what I ended up needing I thought I did... I need the regular ones as my gear leg already has the 5/16 hole...

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Re: hollow aluminum axles

Post by phil123 »

cessna 140 axle cracked.jpg
cessna 140 axle cracked.jpg (175.73 KiB) Viewed 1411 times
Replace them with grove the original axles can fail without warning and guaranteed wrecked plane. Here is one of my axles I didn't bother checking the other one and just replaced it. Grove p/n 5016-2, this is the standard size with the smaller 1/4" holes. $85.00 ea in 2018.
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