N72740 (140) at Waterbury/Plymouth (N41)

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Posts: 49
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:34 pm
Name: Drew
Location: Connecticut
Aircraft Type: PA22-150 (for now)
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RAF - CT State Liaison (theRAF.org)

N72740 (140) at Waterbury/Plymouth (N41)

Post by 8349 »

Was able to get one of the photos in. Not sure how I compressed this one, but it is obviously sized right.

David Bloomberg's 140 at the Waterbury/Plymouth (N41) fly-in I helped host last October. Had a great turnout of about 25 planes, including two 120s and this 140.
N41 120.jpg
N41 120.jpg (141.52 KiB) Viewed 16978 times
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