Mac Forbes
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You must be a member of the Cessna 120-140 Association in order to post new topics, reply to existing topics, or search for information on this forum. Use the "Join" link in the red menu bar.
- Posts: 139
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: John Kliewer
- Location: EWK Newton, KS
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- Occupation-Interests: Corporate PIlot - retired
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Mac Forbes
Not until I received and read the Association Spring 2024 Newsletter today did I realize that we have lost Mac Forbes. I'm probably the last to learn of Mac's departure from us, but I simply have a need to publicly ackowledge it. Mac and I had several occasions to communicate through PMs and other means. Reading and reflecting on what Mac had to say in those communications always left me inspired. Many thanks Mac for your wit, wisdom and humanity for which I had a high regard. Rest in peace.
John Kliewer
"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein
"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
"Make things as simple as possible but no simpler." Albert Einstiein
"Wheels move the body. Wings move the soul."
- Posts: 369
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Mike Smith
- Location: Florida
- Aircraft Type: 140A (2) 1949 & 1950
- Occupation-Interests: Retired aerial power line patrol pilot for Gulf Power Co. CFIA, CFII, MEI
120-140 Assoc. Florida Rep. N9633A & N9688A - Contact:
Re: Mac Forbes
Like John, I too was very surprised to learn of Mac Forbes passing when I read about it in the current newsletter. Mac was always there for anyone who had questions about Cessna 120-140 aircraft be it locating hard to find parts or finding individuals with the knowledge of how to make repairs, Mac was always ready and willing to help. We're going to miss seeing and talking to Mac especially at fly-ins like Sun N Fun. Fair Winds and Blue Sky Our Old Friend!
- Posts: 63
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Dean DeRosia
- Location: Glendale, AZ
- Aircraft Type: Cessna 140
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Re: Mac Forbes
Same here. I always appreciated his comments which never failed to be positive, encouraging, and helpful. He will be greatly missed. It's surprising that this sad news is just now making it to the forum.
Dean DeRosia
1946 Cessna 140
Glendale, AZ KDVT
1946 Cessna 140
Glendale, AZ KDVT
- 6898
- Posts: 335
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
- Name: Jeff T
- Location: IS65 Sandwich IL.
- Aircraft Type: 48 140 C90
- Occupation-Interests: Auto,Marine&Aviation Repair
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Re: Mac Forbes
Sorry we have lost a great member , our thoughts and prayers are with Donna and family. Cindy and I met them briefly at several conventions and as many of our members we've met at conventions, we immediately would think of them as extended family. This assoc. brings us together because of the aircraft, and as we meet and great theirs so much more in common ,and just wonderful friends. It's disappointing for me that we are all so far apart including all are over seas members, or we could visit regularly. Our founding fathers have built a wonderful group of friends thanks to the 120 & 140's and we will miss you Mac along with all your wisdom and love for the assoc., and the little Cessna's
Jeff T 1948 C-140 NC3600V
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
Past President 120 140 Assoc. 2019-2023
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 7:00 am
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Re: Mac Forbes
A true loss to the association. Mac and Donna have always been very active and instrumental in the association’s growth from the beginning. He will be sorely missed!
Marty L ‘46 Cessna 140 NC773SH (paint pattern by The “Honorable” D Acker!!)
O200, LE landing lights, fabric/rib stitched, Texas Aeroplastics Headliner
Past Sec/Tres 2002-2006
Past OK State Rep 2002-2014?
O200, LE landing lights, fabric/rib stitched, Texas Aeroplastics Headliner
Past Sec/Tres 2002-2006
Past OK State Rep 2002-2014?