Help – Using the Forum

About the forum

The forum is an extension of the Cessna 120-140 Association website where you can post questions and engage in discussions with other Association members.  The forum is actively monitored by a group of volunteers with a deep technical know of the Cessna 120 & 140 aircraft.  There is also a section in the forum for posting aircraft and parts for sale.  Please read the forum guidelines within each section.

Who can post in the forum?

Only members with active memberships can post and reply to topics in the forum. Those who have an account, but are not paying members do not have posting permissions.

Who gets access to the forum?

Anyone can view and read posts in the forum.

How can log into the forum?

Your membership login credentials will allow you to login to the Members Only resources on the main website and the same credentials will allow you to post messages on the forum.

You can view and log into the forum in two ways:

1) On the main website, use the link to the forum at the top of the page.

Note: if you first login to the main website and then follow the link to the forum it will not be necessary to login again in the forum area.

2)  Go directly to the forum site:  Proceed to login using the link under the red header bar.