150 seats instal document

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Name: ConsultEngr
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by 6896 »

Attached is what I had in my files from the legacy C120/140 Association website circa 2006/2007 for C150 seat modifications to a C140.

There are three different form 337 backsides, and I've numbered them 1, 2, 3. There is a photo and sketch for the form 337 marked #1. The form 337s #2 and #3 have no sketches. A FSDO rejected the modification for form 337 #3 citing requirements for additional load testing/analysis and a maintenance with the wood block spacers.
Form 337 Backside #1.pdf
(182.01 KiB) Downloaded 501 times
C150 Seat Rails Sketch #1.jpg
C150 Seat Rails Sketch #1.jpg (106.91 KiB) Viewed 3864 times
C150 Pilot Seat Photo #1.jpg
C150 Pilot Seat Photo #1.jpg (52.81 KiB) Viewed 3864 times
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Name: ConsultEngr
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by 6896 »

Rest of 337s for C150 seats.
Form 337 backside #3.pdf
(60.54 KiB) Downloaded 1035 times
Form 337 backside #2.jpg
Form 337 backside #2.jpg (147.37 KiB) Viewed 3864 times
FAA Rejection Letter 337 #3.pdf
(110.96 KiB) Downloaded 478 times
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by 6896 »

A PDF of the original C120/140 post where the aforementioned files came from.
Seats, incl 150 seats.pdf
(433.55 KiB) Downloaded 655 times
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by 8322 »

How much weight do they add? Where do you find em? I googled it and found them pretty pricey i thought, at least pricey enough there are other projects i would prioritize over them..
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by 6896 »

I did not personally install C150 seat rails so I don't know the particulars, but looking at the sketch, the "M" part number is the McFarlane Aviation, Inc. prefix for FAA-PMA Approved parts that are suitable replacements for the original Cessna part numbers that for the C150 typically use the prefix "C". Generally I have found McFarlane's prices for other parts that I have purchased to to be lower than the list price for the same part from a Cessna dealer, which the McFarlane website usually shows the discount.
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by klyde sessna »

Does anyone have the full 337 form and approval for the aluminum block base 150 seat conversion? Sure would be helpful.
klyde sessna
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Re: 150 seats instal document

Post by klyde sessna »

I recently purchased the Lowe STC, since it appears field approvals are past history now. The STC is a very engineered and specific document that provides for ONLY Cessna or MacFarlane 22 inch long seat rails mounted on 8 specially fabricated brackets riveted to the seat pan. It DOES NOT allow Cessna 150 seat rails or hardware, nor does it allow wooden or aluminum blocks or square tubing.

If you are thinking of going the route of a field approval and 337, I strongly suggest that you attempt to get that approval FIRST before you obtain seats and hardware.
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