O-200 Replacing the C-85 or C-90, including Randy Thompson's

A collection of technical articles & attached documents by Neal Wright
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Name: Neal Wright
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O-200 Replacing the C-85 or C-90, including Randy Thompson's

Post by 101 »

Originally Posted on Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:26 pm

14 October update: I removed nearly all the information about the Rice STC because it is no longer listed in the FAA STC files. If anyone believes it is still available, give me the hint as to where to find it. I also included more information sent along by Randy about his STC.


19 September update:

O-200 Replacing the C-85 or C-90, including the input from Randy Thompson explaining that he bought the Emmett STC mentioned in the article.

Some found that the early file did not print correctly, leaving off the bottom portion of a page or the last line and that program fault has been corrected
Here is what I said in the original submission:

This article answers a lot of questions about what to look for in an engine, what the differences are, the parts you need to buy before starting the project, and the results you should expect.

Information you will appreciate having on hand during the process are noted as well as where to get them.

Some old hangar tales are discarded and new hints added.

14 October '05 update, including input from Randy Thompson about him buying and changing what was the Emmett STC. Removed most of the Rice STC info.
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