

The fog comeson little cat feet. It sits lookingover harbor and cityon silent haunchesand then moves on. Carl Sandburg The meteorological condition called fog, properly termed when a cloud sits in contact with the ground, remains one of the confounding considerations...
Genuine Stall Proficiency

Genuine Stall Proficiency

Stalls are feared in general aviation for being a significant factor in a large proportion of accidents. To help pilots avoid stalls, the FAA, in concert with all the king’s horses and men, rewrote the requirements for private pilot training, including stalls. This...
Learning to Manage Stress in Flight

Learning to Manage Stress in Flight

The FAA’s IMSAFE checklist specifically lists “stress” as a factor that pilots identify and mitigate when determining their readiness for flight. Most of us evaluate stress level as a part of our preflight considerations. It might even be a critical go/no-go decision...
When Push Comes to Shove

When Push Comes to Shove

What do you mean, ‘We’re stuck?’ My buddy Chris looked at me like I’d suddenly decided to try some outrageous joke to start the day. I was standing in the shallow water beside my Cessna 182 amphibious floatplane, which had carried us into the majestic Alaskan...