2022 Convention

2022 Annual Convention

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 to Saturday, September 17, 2022

The 2022 International Cessna 120-140 Association Annual Convention will be in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We will be flying into the Sturgis Municipal Airport, 49B. Bruce Bowen, our gracious host this year, has arranged a fantastic series of tours and events.

The Convention hotel will be at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center in Spearfish, SD. This is approximately 15 miles West of the Sturgis exit, a straight shot down the Interstate with scenic views all the way.

Rooms have been reserved for $105/night. The ever popular Hospitality Suite and our Banquet will be at the Holiday Inn and as usual, the Flying Games, Maintenance Forum, etc will be at Sturgis Muni.

Nearby is the historic city of Deadwood, the Needles Scenic Highway, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Devil’s Tower to name a few must see things to do.

Details for the schedule are still being worked out, expect Enterprise rental cars at Sturgis Muni, the evening show at the Mount Rushmore, possibly a bus ride to Custer Park for the wildlife loop and as always the best Hospitality Suite you’ve ever seen.

Early arrivals will no doubt show up on Monday, 12 September although there’s so much to do here in the Black Hills you may want to schedule more time. The official schedule begins Tuesday the 13 with the Banquet on Friday the 16th. Wednesday and Thursday will be jam packed with scheduled outings for the group, final schedule to be announced. Basically there’s so many things to do we’re having trouble trying to decide. Stay tuned.

You will want to have a rental car for this Convention, there’s that much to see and do.

Online registration will be up soon, the Holiday Inn is available for booking immediately at a very reasonable rate so mark your calendars and make plans for a little Cessna convention you’ll remember…and talk about for years. Cya there‼️

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