Recent General Aviation News

AOPA fights against landing fees

AOPA fights against landing fees

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is urging the FAA to intervene on behalf of general aviation pilots and block the use of FAA-mandated ADS-B data by third parties to assess fees based on aircraft movements — a practice that raises many concerns, including violation of privacy and violation of federal grant obligations by public airports.

Advanced Air Mobility key focus at NASAO convention

Advanced Air Mobility key focus at NASAO convention

The 2024 NASAO Annual Convention in Pittsburgh brought together state aviation leaders to discuss key topics like airport infrastructure, workforce development, and emerging technologies. Highlights included collaboration on Advanced Air Mobility and the announcement of new board leadership for 2024-2025.

Celebrating the centennial of the first global flight

Celebrating the centennial of the first global flight

The Museum of Flight in Seattle will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first successful global flight from Sept. 26-29, 2024, with special fly-ins, programs, and tours of historic aircraft, including the B-29 bomber FIFI. The event will feature a variety of globally renowned pilots and their aircraft, offering visitors the chance to meet them, enjoy lectures, and watch a documentary screening about Robert DeLaurentis’ pole-to-pole flight.

New collaboration adds flight sim scenarios to Sporty’s Learn to Fly course

New collaboration adds flight sim scenarios to Sporty’s Learn to Fly course

Sporty’s has partnered with Infinite Flight to integrate its scenario-based flight simulator training with Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course, allowing students to practice maneuvers virtually. This collaboration offers pilots the chance to apply flight lessons in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk simulator with realistic weather scenarios before transitioning to real-world flying.